
The Birchwood Centre – Veterans Hub

We are proud to be supporting The Birchwood Centre, Veterans Hub by donating surplus kit/equipment that will support their wrap around services.

The Birchwood centre provides vital support and accommodation services for vulnerable people at critical points in their lives. They began their journey working with people facing homelessness in West-Lancashire more than thirty years ago.

Many of the people they work with need support to manage their emotional health and well-being.

In fact:

  • 75% suffer from anxiety
  • 62% from depression
  • 28 % experience self-harm
  • 65% develop negative coping strategies

In response to these needs they developed a wide range of holistic support services, designed to meet the needs of both young people and adults too.

Over the years they began to expand their work into the local community and identified that there were significant unmet needs for vulnerable people with mental health issues in the area.

Their services have grown and developed over time, reaching out to more people through our counselling services, mediation services, therapeutic accommodation, dispersed services in the community, support with employment, training and their brilliant Junk Food Cafe, to name but a few.

The Birchwood centre aims to work with people in a way that inspires, challenges and encourages their clients at key transition points in their lives. Their work is never done, as they are always keeping an ear to the ground, responding to local needs and working with people, partners and the wider community to make a lasting difference.

Connolly Ltd are working closely with David Scott from the centre who also runs a veteran support group, each week David arranges for a coffee morning and support group for veterans in the west-Lancashire area along with outing to prevent insolation and support them with their individual needs.

This is a newly developed relationship between Connolly Ltd and David, we aim to support in both the Birchwood Centre and with his work with Veterans.

Recently we met with David and have arranged to give the community garden a mini make-over by providing labour to clean and remove an old warn concrete planter and replace this with two new wooden raised planters for the community to enjoy for years to come.

We will also be carrying out works internally, giving the stairwell a new lease of life with bright coloured paint and splash guards to help maintain the area from the high volume of traffic they receive daily at the centre.

Connolly’s support a number of veteran hubs, we are privileged to work alongside charity partners to assist with donations in kind, staff volunteering, mentoring, work placements.

Our latest scheme offers Interview Taster Days, including Q&A, Presentation/Clothing and also a support buddy system.