
Project Completion : Lea Gate Service Station, Preston

We have successfully completed the construction of Lea Gate Service Station in Preston, on behalf of Valley House Properties. The project involved building a new petrol filling station, Costa Coffee Drive-thru, site parking, associated landscaping and roadways.  

 Due to the complexity of the project, input was required from multiple stakeholders, this included working alongside the client to develop a time efficient land remediation strategy, instead of adopting a traditional approach which assumes that the whole site is contaminated. We worked with GEO2 to identify “hot spots” that required remediating and implemented a localised ‘cut and fill’ approach which makes best use of the remaining existing land. 

 As part of our works, we also worked closely with the design team and petrochemical specialist to identify, and co-ordinate works as efficiently as possible.  

 Paul Speakman, Operations Manager, “The delivery of Lea Gate Service Station has been a great achievement for the team, in particular for our on-site delivery team who put in a fantastic effort. We are pleased to have handed this project over to our client and to see the site up and running.”  

 The project was completed and handed over to our client in March 2023.