
Project Details

  • Client: Wigan Council
  • Location: Wigan
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Value: 4,500,000 per annum

As part of our partnership with Wigan Council, Connolly worked with Wigan Council to install retrofit measures to homes across the borough through GHG LADS funding. The funding allowed £5k per property for retrofit measures, this was then topped up by the Council.

The project included re-roofing works and Solar PV systems, ranging in size from 1 –2.68 kWpto 170nr properties across the borough, including 150nr properties in Butts Bridge, Leigh and 20nr properties in Worsley Hall, Wigan. The team utilised Marley Edgemere roof tiles to replace existing roof coverings and in-roof Solar PV technology for quick installation, cost savings and an aesthetically pleasing finish.

During works we tailored our delivery to suit the needs of properties. Installations were undertaken in phases, to suit funding timescale requirements. Phase 1 of our delivery targeted those properties with lower SAP ratings/EPCs; as such, properties with an EPC rating of D were made a priority, to ensure that measures were delivered were they provided the most benefit. For Phase 2, properties with an EPC rating of C were targeted.